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Event Registrants

This is a list of registrants for the displayed event
When: Sunday, January 28, 2024, 5:00 PM until 11:30 PM Mountain Time (US & Canada) (UTC-07:00)

Name Type
Chris Allis 12 oz Smoked Salmon w/ wine beurre blanc sauce
Denise Bauer 12 oz Smoked Salmon w/ wine beurre blanc sauce
Marilyn Bender 12 oz Smoked Salmon w/ wine beurre blanc sauce
Russell Cass Black bean / Bell Pepper / Red onion enchiladas
Karen Cheesman 14 oz Smoked Prime Rib w/smoked tomato demi glace
Curtis Cloutier 14 oz Smoked Prime Rib w/smoked tomato demi glace
Deborah Coyle 12 oz Smoked Salmon w/ wine beurre blanc sauce
Adrian Danielson 14 oz Smoked Prime Rib w/smoked tomato demi glace
Erin Day 12 oz Smoked Salmon w/ wine beurre blanc sauce
Greg Day 14 oz Smoked Prime Rib w/smoked tomato demi glace
Stacia Delaney 14 oz Smoked Prime Rib w/smoked tomato demi glace
Mitch Garfinkel 14 oz Smoked Prime Rib w/smoked tomato demi glace
Malgorzata Gawron Black bean / Bell Pepper / Red onion enchiladas
Robert "Bo" George 14 oz Smoked Prime Rib w/smoked tomato demi glace
David Grange 14 oz Smoked Prime Rib w/smoked tomato demi glace
Rusty Grout 12 oz Smoked Salmon w/ wine beurre blanc sauce
David Hampton 14 oz Smoked Prime Rib w/smoked tomato demi glace
Kathleen Heese Smoked 1/2 Chicken w/whiskey cream sauce
Mary Holland 12 oz Smoked Salmon w/ wine beurre blanc sauce
Diane Keating 14 oz Smoked Prime Rib w/smoked tomato demi glace
Eileen Keator Black bean / Bell Pepper / Red onion enchiladas
Michael Keefe 14 oz Smoked Prime Rib w/smoked tomato demi glace
Cynthia Kenner Black bean / Bell Pepper / Red onion enchiladas
Judy Knight 12 oz Smoked Salmon w/ wine beurre blanc sauce
Wilbur Koger 14 oz Smoked Prime Rib w/smoked tomato demi glace
Kathy Krafft 14 oz Smoked Prime Rib w/smoked tomato demi glace
Daniel Lewis 12 oz Smoked Salmon w/ wine beurre blanc sauce
Roberta Lubchenco 12 oz Smoked Salmon w/ wine beurre blanc sauce
Tim Mccormick 14 oz Smoked Prime Rib w/smoked tomato demi glace
ROBERT MCDONOUGH 14 oz Smoked Prime Rib w/smoked tomato demi glace
Lee McElroy 12 oz Smoked Salmon w/ wine beurre blanc sauce
Marilyn McMahon 12 oz Smoked Salmon w/ wine beurre blanc sauce
Valerie Mee 14 oz Smoked Prime Rib w/smoked tomato demi glace
Brian Miller 12 oz Smoked Salmon w/ wine beurre blanc sauce
Suzanne Monteferrante 12 oz Smoked Salmon w/ wine beurre blanc sauce
Joel Moritz Black bean / Bell Pepper / Red onion enchiladas
Brenda Nelson 12 oz Smoked Salmon w/ wine beurre blanc sauce
Maggie Norsworthy 14 oz Smoked Prime Rib w/smoked tomato demi glace
Paula Pinkley 14 oz Smoked Prime Rib w/smoked tomato demi glace
Kathleen Pitts 14 oz Smoked Prime Rib w/smoked tomato demi glace
Debra Prior Smoked 1/2 Chicken w/whiskey cream sauce
Lani Reichardt 12 oz Smoked Salmon w/ wine beurre blanc sauce
Amy Reigan 14 oz Smoked Prime Rib w/smoked tomato demi glace
Betty Richmeier Black bean / Bell Pepper / Red onion enchiladas
Deborah Rideout 14 oz Smoked Prime Rib w/smoked tomato demi glace
Sheri Rodgers 12 oz Smoked Salmon w/ wine beurre blanc sauce
Scott Schafer Smoked 1/2 Chicken w/whiskey cream sauce
Gregg Sherry Black bean / Bell Pepper / Red onion enchiladas
Dean Stevinson 14 oz Smoked Prime Rib w/smoked tomato demi glace
Robert Sullivan 14 oz Smoked Prime Rib w/smoked tomato demi glace
David Vickers 14 oz Smoked Prime Rib w/smoked tomato demi glace
James Walker 14 oz Smoked Prime Rib w/smoked tomato demi glace
Kevin Walls Smoked 1/2 Chicken w/whiskey cream sauce
Judith Weingarten 12 oz Smoked Salmon w/ wine beurre blanc sauce
Frank Westerfield Smoked 1/2 Chicken w/whiskey cream sauce
Betsy Wood 14 oz Smoked Prime Rib w/smoked tomato demi glace
Scott Wussow 12 oz Smoked Salmon w/ wine beurre blanc sauce